Tobin Ink Quilt Cover Set | Styling Session

Tobin Ink Quilt Cover Set | Styling Session

Posted by Michelle on Jul 29, 2023

Presenting the Tobin Ink Quilt Cover Set, a chic fusion of geometric navy designs. In this video, we introduce two unique variations of the Tobin Ink Quilt Cover Set, both poised to transform your bedroom into a relaxing space.

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Styling Our Tobin Ink Quilt Cover Set

The beautiful blue Tobin Ink quilt cover set is a beautiful option for those who like geometric patterns! We recorded this live on July 13th...

The video was uploaded on 28/07/2023.

You can view the video here.

The video lasts for 8 minutes and 32 seconds.

Exploring the Tobin Ink Quilt Cover Set

If you are interested, here is the transcript from the video shown above:

All right, let's get into this quilt cover. So this is the Tobin ink. It's I'll bring it up close because it's a it's a woven design. Oh, the camera's um, sorry, gotta get the camera in place. We're coming. There we go. Hello. Yep. All right, so that's it up and close and personal. It's a woven design, but it's very geometric. And so a lot of bunch of squares and some lines.

Different colours. There's some, this, this is actually a linen colour in through here, and some white, silverish sort of there with black. Very bold and very blue. Like you could say the reverse is act. You might not see it too clear, but it is a lineny colour, like a light linen colour, which picks up the linen that stripe as well, which goes to the reverse. So just plain on the back.

It is polyester on the front, cotton polyester on the reverse, and it does have a flange, a um, soft flange around the edge. So nice, um, geometric design. I think somebody a few weeks ago wanted to see some bold geometrics. So yeah, this is one of those very, very, bold and noisy, you could say, loud. Yeah. We did have Cassandra say that her husband likes a blue and white.

Mandy says that it's beautiful, and Jen says this one's very nice. So yep, it is, it is nice. Styling the Geometric Quilt Cover. It's very busy as well. So, but yeah, still very nice. This is the um, Loxton Navy Euros. I'm not sure if this is, you've seen these before. They're velvet with a pattern on here. I'm not, I can't see that you can see the pattern real well, yeah, but um, and it's just plain on the back.

And we'll pop them in the back, just to bring a bit of, um, this first design is going to be a bit blue, bluish. So we'll just celebrate the blue, the darker blues. Yeah, we did have Joanne say, "Nice," and Leanne say that this one looks very smart, which I would agree with. It's busy, but it's an organized busy. It's, um, it's good. Yeah, that's, that's a good, good way to put it. That we're going to just put a, this is the Yasmine nude.

It's sort of a yellowy colour, and it's sort of burnt yellow, I suppose. Canvas on the back and just, just to bring a little bit of different colour onto it. It sort of helps highlight the linen stripes there that are on there. And this is the um, the same Loxton Navy Square cushion. We'll put that on as well. So you've got the two Euros at the back and the square cushion in the front. Yep. Yeah.

So that's the first one, basically, blue, but with the yellow. Or the it is yellowish, but it's sort of a bit burnty. um, bringing out the, the linen in the stripes. So that's sort of the blue one, keeping that blue tones. So the next one we're going to do is it might settle the busyness of the geometric down a little bit because we're going to just sort of lighten it up a little bit. So, yeah, we'll just take all these out. Let us know if you like that blue style. Yep.

We did have Leanne say that this is not too too much of a fan of these white Euros. Yeah. So just scrolling back up, it looks like um, I think people are more of a fan of the whites, actually. However, the um, we had Amanda originally say that maybe tossed a brown cushion, and it might look a bit better. Take the Browns out. Yeah. Let's try that. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe. I think Mary had a thought that she wanted to share. I was actually going to agree with Leanne and say that I think I'd prefer it with just the Vivid cushions and without the Euros. Yeah. Okay. I just, without the Euros, completely. Yeah. That's my opinion. We're deconstructing this one.

Tracy said, "Yeah, take the brown out." um, Anita's saying put the blue ones back in. We, we. It might be right. Like, we had the blue with the yellow cushion. You could put the blue with the white cushion in a white throw. It's not a bad. We're getting some. Michelle's getting exercise tonight. We did have Odette say that no, you need some euros.

That completes the bed. I'm sorry, yeah, yeah. I think it is a newer style to kind of avoid the European pillows and pillowcases, but it's a classic style that you know you need it sometimes. It's good. That's probably not bad. I don't know. I like the wider one better, but let's see what everyone else says. Jody said, "Yeah, this is the winner."

Bridget said, "Yes, that's lovely." Tracy said, "No, probably the white euros." um, yeah. Everyone is kind of favoring this style right now. So actually, I think we uh, we used to, if I'm not sure if we've got the Vivid ivory in Euros that's just a plain Ivory rather than stark white might work with the Euros. They did also just have Cassandra say, "Love this as a compromise for a manly bed with lots of pillows," which is a win for both parties. um, it is, yeah, yeah, yeah. So yeah, actually I don't mind this, this one. Looks pretty good. Yeah, yeah.