Hogan Slate Quilt Cover Set | Styling Session
Are you looking for a masculine design that features bold stripes? This is the one for you! In this styling session we take a look at a few different ways we would design this quilt cover set. |
Styling Our Hogan Slate Quilt Cover SetThe Hogan Slate quilt cover set features a striped black and grey plaid design. Recorded live on September 28th... The video was uploaded on 10/10/2023. You can view the video here. The video lasts for 6 minutes and 19 seconds. |
Exploring the Hogan Slate Quilt Cover Set
If you are interested, here is the transcript from the video shown above:
This is a checkered design, and it's fairly delicate actually. This is not one for the snags; it's fairly very delicate. I think there are some special instructions on washing as well for this one. It's a little bit temperamental. It's a polyester Jacquard, and there are just different textures and different panels of checks here, and it's pretty simple but complicated. Nice texture. The reverse is just plain grey in the cotton-polyester. The front is a polyester jacket; that's the sort of the material in the weave. But yeah, this comes in queen, king, and Super King, and there are Euros as well. Actually, the last quilt cover, I didn't mention either; it came in queen, king, and Super King. I don't think I mentioned that, and the Euros too. Now, these Euros and, uh, are not the same as the reverse.
Styling this quilt cover of the cool cover, and they're not the same as the front; they're just completely different. But what they're doing is they're picking up one of the squares on the quilt cover is this so is this Pat this material so this charcoal colour on the quilt cover is actually the same material, same as the same feel on the Euro. So it's sort of gone got a small square, and they've gone just really big for the um, for the Euros. So this is a bit of a, we've got some very feminine and petite for the first one tonight, and this one's getting into the bit more masculine side. So yeah, we did have Odette say that she thinks that this one would be really nice for a young boy's room.
Joanne said that this might be good on a spare bed, yep, and then we had Denise who said she's not a fan. So it's, it's a bit of a, I think it's more of a polarized polarizing one, yeah, yeah, yeah, the checks are, yep, and we did have Tanya ask that she loves this one, but does it come in any other colours? No, no, it's just black, yep, yeah, just the black grey, yep, cool, so this cool cover Amelia black, it's a cushion. [Laughter] Um, this is Amelia back black; it's uh, The Velvet. Um, Amelia, yep, Charlie said that she's unsure about this one, but she also likes it. Cool, yep, it's one of those ones where it is like, uh, you like it; it's appealing to the eye, but yeah, you wouldn't put it on your bed. Yeah, yeah, you might not use it, yeah.
This is the Loxton Platinum; it's got a nice weave, it's sort of velvety too, yeah, but it's got a pattern on the front, and at the reverse is plain. Um, so you can use either side, although the zip is sort of off the edge there a bit, so you could use it either way, I suppose. Um, but so that's the Loxton Pewter, there's a few Loxton cushions in the range, yep, we did have Catherine say that this one is nice but it might be a little bit too dark, and then we had Carrie say that she would actually put this one on her bed, which is cool, yeah, like we said, it's one of those things where it's, yeah, yeah, yeah, all right, we're going to put the teddy in the teddy bear cushion back on, this is another one in that colour range, and this is the, um, I'm looking for the name, Decline. It's Klein Klein blue, yep, so yep, nice, soft, and I think we had that like that, somehow, cool, so yeah, this blue, there is a tinge of blue in the cool colour, so it's, um, it works quite well, pull some of the Blues up, cool, so let us know what you think of this style, yeah, um, so that's sort of, I suppose the blue, the blue design, we're not putting a throw on this one, um, I just thought it doesn't need it, yep, yeah, cool, we had Rachel say, uh, nice, but it's probably not something that she would buy, which is totally understandable.
Leanne said nice, would look good in a boy's room, and Odette said, I agree it's nice but I don't think I'd have that on my bed, so yeah, yeah, it's one of those things where it's just going to be amazing, you either like it or you don't, yeah, yeah, yeah, all right, the last, the last, um, when we're doing, we try our Red style. Carrie, you're gonna like this one pretty simple, we've got the Amelia red cushion with all the tassels on the sides, and it reverses just to a plane but probably wouldn't use the reverse. It's all about the red, yeah, so we thought we'd put the red on just to make everybody happy because a lot of people like the red, yeah, Gary did have Jen likes the red too, yeah, there you go. Rachel likes the red as well, um, yeah, and Kerry had the red on her bed with a dendy with Dandy black as a black quill cover with the with the red X. First, that's true, yeah, yeah, that's cool, okay, he said love, love, love it, and Leanne said looks good. Joanne is mentioning that the red breaks it up a little bit, which I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. Joanne, maybe you could let us know, um, but yeah, it is interesting, yeah, yeah, all right.