Major Black Quilt Cover Set | Styling Session

Sep 15, 2023by Michelle

Discover the beauty of Australiana flora and fauna with the Major Black Quilt Cover Set! In this video, we explore two distinct ways to enhance your bedroom with this exquisite quilt cover set.

Styling Our Major Black Quilt Cover Set

The beautiful Major Black quilt cover set is a lovely option for those who like to bring the outdoors in with some floral designs! We recorded this live on August 10th...

The video was uploaded on 14/09/2023.

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The video lasts for 8 minutes and 49 seconds.

Exploring the Major Black Quilt Cover Set

If you are interested, here is the transcript from the video shown above:

All right, so this is the major black. It's called, and there's a bit of a story. I suppose it's got. It's an Australian fauna, floral type of fauna. Flora type of design. It's printed, and there's cockatoos um, nestled in amongst sort of gum trees and eucalyptus trees, and whatnot. Now the picture on here is that the cockatoos are a little bit yellow, but it's actually following the major. There's a pink cockatoo that's got a name called Major Mitchell. Now a little bit of trivia is this guy was a surveyor or explorer in the 1800s, and he was exploring the East Coast of Australia, and for some reason, these pink cockatoos got his name, like they named a bird after him.

So anyway, bit of trivia. We could actually, the system, I've just pulled up the bird if we want to have a look at it. It looks um. It isn't as pink as I thought it would have been. Yeah, it's the underneath is like a salmony pink colour with a white, um, white wings and back. So yeah, there you go. So that's this design. It's sort of got pictures of those, but they're not really that, they're sort of an artist's impression because it's sort of this got a goldy, yellowy bit yellowy colour, but um, yeah, but that is where the name comes from.

So I'll just show you this pillow. This has just got the foliage on there. That's the, um, the birds aren't on this, but just the foliage is a nice sort of peaks and um, greens, very pastely, I suppose, colours, but on a dark real black base, the reverse is the same. It's a foliage, not the same, but it's the same Australian bush sort of bit petite, bit smaller sort of eucalyptus sort of colour. It's a soft aqua colour, um, with a border of flange around the side. So, that's reverse. The Euros are actually the same as the reverse. So, so that's it. It comes in queen, king, and super king, and there's Euros as well.

I already mentioned, and it's a cotton polyester, cotton-rich material. So let's style this up with styling this quilt cover. These are the, um, these are the summer dusk Euros. We tried to put a bit of pink cool while you do that. We had Rachel said many years ago, I owned a major Mitchell, beautiful birds. Yep, that's cool. And Amanda, us is it birds or flowers on the cool cover? This bird, um, you can maybe point them out. Yeah, there's, there's a bird there. This one on the corner there and one on the front. Yeah, there as well, and they're, I said it before, they're a bit yellowish.

Yeah, but um, they need to be, I think they're sort of hiding in behind the bush. So, and the flowers are they're not, it's not bright. It's fairly the different types of pink, you could say, um, and, and different tones of green, but very subtle, better not bright, not yeah. Yep, I've not shown you these Euros, so I better bring them over to the camera. So these are really nice and soft with little sort of rosette, little embroidered, little bubbles here, so just scattered over, and the reverse is just a plain as, as well.

So you could put these both ways on this um, this design, but we've put it with the little pattern there, and we've got the Amelia black cushion, which we've seen many times, just velvet with the canvas reverse. Put that on there, to sort of highlight the bring out the black a bit more, and this is the Trent Rosette, heaps of frills, um, sort of a bit of a dust catcher, you could say, um. It's very nice though, like it's a very nice colour, yeah, um, very nice peak. I guess that is the downside of all the textured cushions and throws and whatnot is sometimes I might break dust, but I can catch, yeah, yeah.

Jen said that she likes this one so far, so, it's cool, yeah, this is the Amelia toffee. I was just trying to remember the name, Amelia toffee. Same family as the black one, so nice, nice feather filled, and I think we were putting that there. So that's the first, the first look at the major black cool. Let us know what you think, and um, well, we're going to look at the reverse of this one because it's a bit interesting. It's a reverse sort of reversible cover, so we'll, we'll have a look at that. Let us know what you think of that.

I suppose if you've just joined us and you want to get into the draw and get and win up a cotton blanket, you um, need to get into the comments and let us know when the last time was that you bought a quilt cover, and we'll put you in the draw, and we'll draw it at the end. So hang around, hang around to the end, and then hopefully the winner, yep, we had Amanda say that she likes this first one with the soft green, plus the pink cushions. Did we do a grain in that? We style the reverse. I'm not sure we might, this one might be a bit more green, Amanda. Bridget said, very nice. Rachel said, nice. Love the cushions.

And Joanne said, like that. So, cool. So we just flip this over. It's a bit more plain. It's less of a dramatic story, and I'll show you the we sort of looked at this before, but from on the reverse of this pillow, that that's the Euro. It's got a flange, um, it's front and backs the same, so we'll put them in foreign. Now you can turn this back a bit to get some of the colour through, um, but we've we're going to leave it all the same plain colours. We're going to make it fairly simple here to on this reverse, but just showing that you can reverse it, um, and this is the Ascot white, yeah, it's um, we've got a whole range of them.

So we're going to use use the square cushion and the long cushion on this as well, so we're just going to put put a bit of white into into it, it's pretty plain, like one size exciting, and one side's a bit more calm, yeah. So there's the reverse, just with some simple white cushions, oh, let us know if you guys like that style, pretty simple result there on that one, yeah, but but still can be um, use both sides, yeah, this could cover as a value for money, you know, you get two for the price of one, yeah, yeah, and Michelle just mentioned it's too completely, they are completely different, yeah, yeah, yep, so we had Leon say nice, Charlie said that she likes that, uh, Joanne says this is nice, says um, and we did have Jen suggest maybe putting a black throw on this side, on this on this side, yeah, the other side on this reverse, um, maybe, obviously not with the white cushions, but do we have a black throw on hand?

I'm not sure if we do, I don't think we do, no, yeah, okay, no, we don't have a black one, I don't know if we've got a black one, oh, we might, a velvet faux fur one maybe, yeah, maybe, maybe, but yeah, no, we don't have anything in here at the moment, sorry, John, yeah, um, Bridget said that this one's nice, Amanda said this cover is so versatile, love, she said love television colours of both sides. I'm assuming that's a bit of a I love the colours, it's a bloody spell check, the cover is so versatile, love the colours of both sides, yep, that makes a bit more sense, thanks for clarifying Amanda, um, and then Tracy said other side was better, so yeah, oh, I think your Mike's dead, I think Mike died, sorry, uh, we'll be back in a second, guys, we'll just get the mic sorted out, so.