Ronson Olive Quilt Cover Set | Styling Session
Introducing the Ronson Olive Quilt Cover Set – a stunning striped white pattern set against an inviting olive background. In this video, we present to you two captivating styles of the Ronson Olive Quilt Cover Set that will effortlessly transform your bedroom into a relaxing oasis. Whether you're inclined towards a calming olive stripe design or not, we provide the ideal choices with our Ronson Olive Quilt Cover Set! |
Styling our Ronson Olive Quilt CoverYour dream bedroom is here with our stunning Ronson Olive quilt cover set! We recorded this live on May 18th... The video was uploaded on 21/06/2023. You can view the video here. The video lasts for 8 minutes and 21 seconds. |
Exploring the Ronson Olive Quilt Cover Set
If you are interested, here is the transcript from the video shown above:
So this is the Ronson Olive. It's got that; it's 100% cotton on front and back. And it's, it's, it's striped, obviously, but it's got like white stripes with an olive green um base there, but it's, it's variegated. It's actually got a um, a variegated stripe; the stripes are variegated, so it's, um, yeah, very interesting, got a bit of texture to it. And the reverse is just a plain Olive, so it's a nice one. This one comes in queen, king, and Super King, and there are Euros as well. And we'll, I'll put them on. Styling the Olive Green Quilt Cover.
We also had uh, Jenny. Hello, Jenny. She said that she likes the olive one, which he does. Yeah, I agree. I think this is a winner. This, we'll put this with the um, you can obviously with the um, Euros, you can have them either way. You can have them with the stripes out or the green reverse out because this is actually a reversible quilt cover. So, we were going to show you the next side. I mean, I flipped this one, actually, for tonight, so, um, so we've got these Euros in the back there in the reverse, and then the next thing we need is the Tully Moss Square.
We, we featured this a little bit. That's fairly, fairly common, I think. This was Mary's favourite, um, with some tassels across you, um, and the polino, polano, Plano, the Plano square with the palm trees. This, this, this one's nearly been in every, every week for a while now, isn't it? Yeah, it's a favourite. Yeah, it's easy to style with everything, I think. Yeah, it just goes with everything. Yeah, just it just works, and particularly with this with the Browns and the greens, it's, yeah, it's quite good.
We'll put that Johnson Olive throw that we had before on on the um, rosette.
We'll put that in here as well, and there you go, voila, the green side. I suppose you could say it's very green everywhere, yeah. This one is a part of our Royal Dalton range, so it's quite high quality. It's quite nice. It's high quality, yeah. It's, it's cotton, yeah, both sides, all or 100% cotton, so yeah, let us know if you like the screen style and uh, we'll, yeah, we'll get the other one, the other. So, what we're going to do is I'm going to take all these accessories off and then we're just going to Simply turn all of this over.
So we'll turn the Euros over and the standards over which actually they probably should be that way, and then we'll flip the quilt cover over.
We had L say if you want to style a bed, you have to be able to work with the ones you don't want just as beautifully as those you love, which I think it could be an inspirational quote you should put above the bed or something to remind us to. It's a good, uh, it's not an analogy, but it's a good saying. It's a good thing to remember, yeah, yeah, it's good.
And we had Jenny again say that she loves this one, and I think it's good too, yeah, it's quite nice, it is, it is nice, and I particularly like this side, even though it's planar, um, it's just interesting. So what we've done is we've just flipped everything over from the other, um, the other setup, and we just folded the quilt cover back to reveal some of those stripes, so it's, um, I quite like it, you can put the Euros the other way so the stripes are running against as well, so you've got a few different chopped choices here.
So this you can nearly leave this like this, um, it's pretty versatile with the flipping it being having the reverse.
But trying some brown cushions, you can put a couple of cushions in this is the um, what is this one, this is the Velvet arm and we featured that, we featured that before as well, a nice velvet with a canvas back, um, this one's feather-filled so it's quite heavy, that's a nice one as well, and it suits this colour, it's good tones, yeah, and we also just had Tracy say that this when it's flipped over this cool cover looks better, so it sounds like people are liking the more plains with the stripe accents if that makes sense.
This side is better, yeah, yeah, yeah, the stripes can be a bit overbearing, there's a lot of them, yeah, um, but yeah, this is this is a new cushion, it's the Rhodes Pearl, there's a few cushions in the roads, um, Range, it's a bit longer than most, so it's yeah, it's interesting, um, sort of I don't know what you would call that actually it's very textured and there's a few in that Rose range few different colours so um, yeah, we'll pop that one on as well.
So this one you can really have cushions or not like with we thought we'd put them in just in case but it probably doesn't really need it, I like the Browns in it, it brings another colour to it, yeah, yeah, it hides the stripes a little bit though, yeah, right, yeah, but oh yeah, so yeah, let us know if you guys like it, I wonder if that needs a throw or something on the end, yeah, maybe, but yeah.
We had Elle say that this one might be too busy with the throw, so yeah, yeah, I was going to say initially that this is a like a clean line, like a relaxed style, is that what people call it, yeah, maybe, yeah, yeah, that's it, yeah, that's the word, yeah, um, particularly with no cushions on there it and it highlights the stripes like that's we didn't want to cover them when we were doing this while we were sort of a bit reluctant about the cushions but yeah some people like cushions but not very many, yeah, but yeah.